Removal and installation of an asterisk of a bent shaft



1. Remove an arm (262) and the torsion spring (216)
2. Turn off a bolt (259) with laying (258) and remove an arm of the oil pump.
3. Remove a drive chain from an asterisk of the oil pump (263).
4. Remove a natyazhitel of a chain of the GRM drive.
5. Mark the mutual provision of a chain of the GRM drive and an asterisk of a bent shaft.
6. Mark the mutual provision of a chain of the GRM drive and an asterisk of the camshaft.
7. Turn off a bolt and remove a camshaft asterisk.
8. Remove an asterisk of a bent shaft by means of a stripper.
9. Check a condition of a clamp in a bent shaft and if it is necessary, replace it.



1. Transfer a tag from an old asterisk to new.
2. Press a new asterisk on a bent shaft by means of the adjusting tool.
3. Establish an asterisk of the camshaft and a chain of the GRM drive on tags.
4. Establish a natyazhitel of a chain and replace a sealing ring.
5. Check adjustment of tags of VMT.
6. Establish a chain together with an asterisk of the oil pump. Establish an asterisk so that the convex party of an asterisk was directed forward.
7. Attach an arm (262) and the torsion spring (261). Start the engine and check lack of leaks.
