Mercedes S-Class W-140

1991-1999 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes S-Class
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W-140)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Gear shifting box
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
- Body
   Security measures when carrying out body works
   Replacement of brushes of screen wipers
   Replacement of the saloon filter
   Removal and installation of the dashboard
   Removal and installation of the combined understeering switch
   The switch of light of headlights - installation details
   Removal and installation of a combination of devices
   Control lamps and alarm indicators of an instrument guard - an installation detail
   Measuring instruments of a combination of devices - the scheme of an arrangement and detail of installation (model on 10.93 g of the issue)
   Removal and installation of the control unit of the automatic conditioner
   Removal and installation of the push-button control panel of the conditioner (models for 31.08.95 the issue with the Bosch control unit)
   Replacement of control lamps of the push-button control panel of the conditioner
   Check of the pneumatic regulator of an inclination of optical axes of light of headlights
   Switches of the central console - an installation detail
   Removal and installation of the central console
   Loudspeakers - installation details
   Removal and installation of panels of an internal upholstery of doors
   Bumpers - installation details
   The combined relay - installation details
   Forward doors
   Back doors - installation details
   Adjustment of a cowl
   Block headlights - installation details
   The back combined lamps - installation details
   Removal and installation of the RPM meter of the compressor of the conditioner (model for 31.08.95 the issue)
   Check and adjustment of provision of headlights
   Adjustment of a cover of the luggage compartment
   Forward wings and loker of protection of wheel arches - installation details
   Decorative front grille - installation details
   Emblem of "Mercedes"
   Removal and installation of external rear-view mirrors
   Removal and installation of seats
   Removal and installation of head restraints
   Deflectors of air ducts of the dashboard - an installation detail
   Forward indexes of turns - installation details
   Backing fires - installation details
   Cover of a ware box - an installation detail
+ Onboard electric equipment


Check and adjustment of provision of headlights

Adjustment of a tilt angle of light of headlights

a — the Mark for adjustment of passing beam of headlights
b — the Mark for adjustment of driving beam of headlights
with — the Mark for adjustment of light of fog lights

Adjustment of a tilt angle of light of headlights

е — the Adjusting size for a tilt angle of light of headlights
% n — the Inclination of light-and-shade border
N — Height of the middle of a tilt angle of light of headlights
h — Light-and-shade border


1. Install the car on the flat platform. Adjust air pressure in tires. With system of adjustment of a road gleam or the ADS system the engine has to work for cars about 30 minutes on average turns.
2. Carry out reading of the adjusting parameter (%) for the main and additional headlights on a headlight of the car and establish it on a device scale for check and adjustment of a tilt angle of headlights. The inclination of 1% of "n" corresponds to 10 cm of the adjusting e size.
3. Install the device for check and adjustment on one axis with the car and make vertical adjustment according to tags on a reflector.
4. Start the engine and turn on passing beam of headlights.
5. Check operation of the regulator of a tilt angle of light of headlights. Light beams of both headlights have to move evenly.
6. Install the regulator of a tilt angle of light of headlights in situation "0". On models with xenon headlights remove additional small weights.
7. Check passing beam of headlights and, if necessary, adjust it. At vertical adjustment the border of a light beam has to coincide precisely with the horizontal line (4) devices, at horizontal adjustment the inclined line (5) has to leave a point of intersection of the vertical line (6) with the horizontal line (4). The general block reflector on models with a body the Sedan, since 03.94 g of the issue, provides simultaneous adjustment of a tilt angle of light of headlights and fog lights.
8. Check adjustment of driving beam of headlights. The center of a light beam has to be on the corresponding central mark (6). At a deviation check installation of a bulb of an incandescence.

9. Check and adjust light of fog lights. The border of a light beam has to coincide as it is possible more precisely with the horizontal line (4). If necessary, modify its situation. On the Sedan models, since 03.94, check dense landing of a bulb of an incandescence.