Mercedes S-Class W-140

1991-1999 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes S-Class
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W-140)
- Operation manual
   + Access, protection
   + Elements of security systems
   - Car equipment, arrangement of devices and governing bodies
      Combination of devices, measuring instruments and control lamps and light indicators
      Governing bodies and equipment of salon
      Equipment of the luggage compartment
      Replacement of brushes of cleaners of headlights and windshield
      Installation of the top luggage carrier
   + Comfort
   + Methods of operation and auxiliary systems
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Gear shifting box
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Combination of devices, measuring instruments and control lamps and light indicators

Combination of devices

Konstruktsiiya of a combination of devices

1 — the fuel reserve Measuring instrument with the built-in control lamp of a reserve
2 — the Measuring instrument of temperature of cooling liquid
3 — the Measuring instrument of the current fuel consumption
4 — the Measuring instrument of pressure of motive oil
5 — the Control lamp of activation of indexes of the left turn
6 — the Regulator of intensity of illumination devices/button of dumping of indications of the measuring instrument of run/activation of a combination of devices/switching of the modes of active system of servicing (ASSYST)
7 — the Speedometer
8 — the Precautionary control lamp of loss of coupling with the road of the ASR/ESP systems

9 — the Screen of a conclusion of indications of the measuring instrument of the current run
10 — the Screen of a conclusion of indications of the odometer / active system of the servicing/indicator of the device of blocking of start
11 — the Screen of a conclusion of indications of the external thermometer
12 — the Control lamp of activation of indexes of the right turn
13 — the Switch of installation of indications of hours/activation of a combination of devices
14 — the Tachometer
15 — Hours


Activation of a combination of devices

Activation of a combination of devices is made when opening a door, by pressing one of built in in a combination on the right and to the left of a speedometer of devices of push-button switches, and also at inclusion of ignition.

Adjustment of intensity of illumination of devices

Adjustment of intensity of illumination of devices (at the included running fires - see the Section Access to the luggage compartment) is made by means of the turn-push handle which is built in in an instrument guard at the left under the dial of a speedometer, - by means of the same handle activation of a combination of devices and switching of the modes of functioning of the digital display / dumping of the indication of the counter of the current distance in kilometers which is built in a speedometer can be made.

Fuel reserve measuring instrument

The measuring instrument is in the left corner of a combination of devices and registers the fuel reserve remaining in a tank.

The error of indications of the measuring instrument is minimum when the car holds strictly horizontal position. At movement of the car along twisting or hilly roads the error of the device increases. Functioning of the measuring instrument does not depend on position of the ignition key. The tag 1/1 corresponds to a condition of full gas station, 0 - to an empty tank. The control lamp which is built in the measuring instrument dial with the image of the gas station informs the driver on need at the first opportunity to make refueling of the car.

The combined measuring instrument of temperature of the cooling liquid / the current consumption of fuel/pressure of motive oil

The three-functional combined measuring instrument is located to the right of a speedometer and serves for indication of value of temperature of cooling liquid of the engine (the left lower sector), indications of the measuring instrument of the current fuel consumption (the top sector) and indications of the sensor of pressure of oil (the Right lower Sector).

Measuring instrument of temperature of cooling liquid

In normal conditions temperature of boiling of the cooling liquid (antifreeze with the anticorrosive additives added to it) filled to the highway of system calculated on functioning with an excessive pressure makes about 130 °C. Under trying conditions operation, for example, in very hot weather or at long rise uphill the arrow of the index can rise to the top red mark in a scale. If temperature of the engine increased so that the arrow of the index comes into limits of red range of a scale of the measuring instrument, it is necessary to stop immediately the movement, to move down on a roadside, to park and make check of a condition of the cooling system regarding clarification of the reasons of an overheat of the engine (see the Head Routine maintenance, Diagnostics of malfunctions).

Measuring instrument of the current fuel consumption

During the movement the measuring instrument constantly fixes the current fuel consumption in l / 100 km. In the modes of idling and compulsory idling of the shooter of the measuring instrument falls to 0.

The movement at very low temperatures of external air, in an intense city cycle (the mode start feet), and also towage of the trailer and the movement in the mountain area are connected with the increased fuel consumption.

Index of pressure of motive oil

At a working temperature pressure of oil decreases on single turns. It has not an adverse effect on operational reliability of the engine. Squeezing of the accelerator pedal has to lead to increase in pressure of motive oil.


The speedometer is built in in the central part of a combination of devices and shows the speed of the movement of the car. As a unit of measure serve km/h.

The sectors of ranges of 30 and 50 km/h allocated red serve for tracking of the moments of switching of RKPP to the next transfer.


The tachometer is to the right of a speedometer and shows the frequency of rotation of a bent shaft of the engine in thousands of revolutions per minute (the indication of an arrow should be multiplied on 100). In order to avoid an exit of the engine it is out of operation forbidden to exceed the most admissible frequency of rotation of a bent shaft (the arrow of a tachometer never has to come into a red zone of a scale).

For the purpose of protection of the engine at achievement turns of a bent shaft of range of red marking carry out a fuel supply cut-off.


The dial of onboard hours is built in in the right corner of a combination of devices. The regulator of installation of indications of hours is located under the tachometer dial at the left. Rotation of the regulator extended from the panel clockwise leads to increase in indications, against - to reduction.

Display of indications of the odometer/counter of the current run / indicator of term of approach planned THAT

The display of indications of the odometer, the counter of the current run and the indicator of term of approach planned THAT is built in in the speedometer dial. Dumping of indications of the counter of the current run / switching of the modes of the display of the odometer / indicator planned THAT is made by means of the speedometer of the push-button switch located at the left under the dial.

Counter of a distance in kilometers of the current run

The counter registers the current run of the car from the moment of the last dumping of the indications (in kilometers or miles, depending on execution option). Indications of the counter are output to the top field of the speedometer of the digital indicator which is built in in the dial. For dumping of indications of the counter it is necessary to activate a combination of devices, then to press the button of dumping and to hold it pressed within about 1 second.


The odometer fixes the general run of the car in kilometers from the moment of the beginning of operation. Indications of the odometer are output to the lower field of the speedometer of the digital indicator which is built in in the dial.

The indicator of term of approach planned THAT (the active system - Assyst)

See also Undressed Identification numbers of the car of the Head Routine maintenance

The indicator of term of approach planned informs THAT on the OPTIMUM term of carrying out maintenance and its indication are not connected with the level of motive oil in any way.

If the rechargeable battery is disconnected, time of the parking of the car does not join in counting of term of approach planned, - for preservation of frequency of holding procedures of routine maintenance this period of time has to be considered.

Information on terms of approach planned THAT is output in the field of indications of the odometer of the speedometer of the digital display which is built in in the dial

1 — the Button of switching of the display in the odometer mode

Approximately in one month before term next THAT at the included ignition in the field of indications of the odometer of the digital display of a speedometer is removed value of size of the remained run, or time (in days) until performing procedures of the next service.
At the same time, the indication of 1000 means that planned THAT should be passed through 1000 km, and 10 - in 10 days. The output format of data is defined by car service conditions.

Switching of the display in the mode of the odometer happens automatically in 10 seconds, or by pressing the button (1).

At delay of term of carrying out THAT the indicator begins to work in the flashing mode, besides, ahead of digital data the minus sign is highlighted.

Also the possibility of a conclusion of service indications manually is provided for what it is necessary to activate previously a combination of devices, and then twice within 1 second to press the button (1). Switching of the display in the odometer mode happens automatically in 10 seconds as before, or by pressing the same button.

Indication of term of approach planned THAT is automatically switched off through 10 with or dies away when pressing the button (1).
Dumping of the indicator is made at Mercedes-Benz car repair shop where planned THAT was carried out.

In case of need dumping of the indicator can be made by own forces of the owner of the car:
  • Turn a key in the ignition lock in situation 2 and at once twice within 1 second press the button (1).
  • The last indication of term of approach planned THAT is displayed in the counter of the general passable way.
    Turn a key in the lock of a shaft of a steering wheel in situation 0 approximately within 10 seconds.
  • Press the button (1) and hold pressed.
  • Turn a key in the lock of ignition in situation 2.
  • Continue to hold the button (1) pressed, on the screen of the display will remain highlighted indication of old term of the previous service, then, approximately in 10 seconds after a sound signal term next THAT will be removed, - release the button (1).
  • At casual dumping of indication of term of approach planned THAT function can be again activated on HUNDRED Mercedes-Benzs.
  • The size of the run remaining before performance next THAT is defined by a manner of driving and lies ranging from 15000 to 22500 km (365 ÷ 730 days). An economic manner of driving at average turns of the engine and refusal of trips on short distances promote its increase.
  • The schedule of routine maintenance of the car is presented in Chapter Routine maintenance.

    Control lamps and light indicators

    The whole complex of control lamps and indicators by means of which the driver obtains important information on serviceability/violation functioning of the main units and systems of the car is built in assembly of a combination of devices of the car. Below information on the principle of functioning of each of the provided light indicators separately is offered to attention of the reader.

    The list of the devices of control lamps and light indicators which are a part of a combination

    Precautionary control lamp of the ASR/ESP systems.

    Light indicator of activation of driving beam of headlights.

    Control lamp of a charge of the rechargeable battery.

    Control lamp of level of liquid in the tank of liquid of washing of wind glass / lenses of headlights

    Control lamp of level of cooling liquid.

    Control lamp of pressure of motive oil.

    Control lamp of failure of glow lamps of external lighting fixtures.


    Control lamp of failures of the electronic control system of injection of the diesel engine.

    Control lamp of failures of the system of adjustment of a road gleam (model with the automatic damping system - ADS).


    Control lamp of refusals of the BAS/ASR systems.

    Control lamp of refusals of the BAS/ESP systems.

    Control lamp of refusals of ABS.

    Control lamp of wear of brake shoes.

    Control lamp of level of brake liquid / raising of the parking brake.


    Control lamp of refusals of elements of system of additional safety (SRS).

    Alarm indicator "Fasten a Seat Belt".

    Control lamp of preheat of the diesel engine.

    Precautionary control lamp of antiprobuksovochny (ASR) and antistrange (ESP) of systems

    This control lamp is quickly activated at inclusion of ignition and has to go out right after implementation of start of the engine. Compulsory shutdown of antiprobuksovochny (ASR) and antistrange (ESP) of systems is followed by activation of this control lamp (see the Sections Traction Control System (ASR) and Electronic Antistrange System (ESP)). Activation of a lamp in the flashing mode during the movement of the car warns the driver that wheels of the car are on a limit of coupling with a paving and it is necessary to reduce speed to safe level.

    Light indicator of activation of driving beam

    This light indicator lights up along with inclusion of driving beam of head headlights of the car and differs in a characteristic blue luminescence.

    Control lamp of a charge of the rechargeable battery

    The control lamp of a charge has to light up at inclusion of ignition and die away right after start of the engine. Inclusion of this control lamp at the working engine warns the driver about violation of serviceability of functioning of system of a charge, i.e., the rechargeable battery passes the category mode. It is necessary to switch off at once everything consumers of the electric power on whose functioning traffic safety does not depend and to try not to allow an engine stop as the attempt of its start can lead to the final category of the battery. Check a state and effort a tension of a driving belt of the generator, in case of need make the corresponding adjustment. If a belt as it should be, the car it is necessary to drive away at once on the nearest car repair shop for performing diagnostics of refusal and performance of necessary recovery repair.

    Control lamp of level of liquid in the tank of liquid of washing of wind glass / lenses of headlights

    This control lamp is quickly activated at inclusion of ignition and has to go out right after implementation of start of the engine. Activation of a control lamp during the movement demonstrates that the level of the washing liquid fell approximately to 1/4 volumes of the corresponding tank.

    Control lamp of level of cooling liquid

    This control lamp is quickly activated at inclusion of ignition and has to go out right after implementation of start of the engine. Activation of a control lamp during the movement demonstrates that the level of cooling liquid in a broad tank fell to a dangerous limit and it is necessary to make the corresponding adjustment urgently.

    Control lamp of pressure of motive oil

    The control lamp of pressure of motive oil (red) has to light up at inclusion of ignition and die away right after start of the engine. The lamp blinking at the working engine demonstrates the pulsation decrease in working pressure of engine oil in the engine. Transition of the indicator to the mode of a constant luminescence says that pressure of oil fell to dangerously low level that is fraught with serious internal damages of the engine, up to its full exit out of operation. In both cases it is necessary to take urgent measures for adjustment of level of oil, identification and elimination of the reasons of pressure drop.

    Control lamp of failure of glow lamps of external lighting fixtures

    This control lamp is quickly activated in the mode of a weak luminescence at inclusion of ignition and has to go out right after implementation of start of the engine. Activation of a lamp in the mode of a bright luminescence (both at turn of the ignition key in situation 2, and during the movement) demonstrates failure of the glow lamp of one of external lighting/alarm fixtures.

    At failure of a lamp of a stoplight the control lamp will be activated only during braking.

    Any lighting fixtures of an additional complete set have to be connected through the safety lock established in front of the control block of glow lamps. Negligence to performance of this condition is fraught with failure of a control lamp, lighting fixtures and the control block.


    Control lamp of failures of the electronic control system of injection of the diesel engine

    Activation of this control lamp at the idle engine warns the driver about violation of serviceability of functioning of a control system of fuel supply. The power developed by the engine in a similar situation can decrease considerably and the car should be driven away on the nearest car repair shop of the Mercedes-Benz company.

    Control lamp of failures of the system of adjustment of a road gleam (model with the automatic damping system - ADS)

    The control lamp is quickly activated in the mode of a weak luminescence at inclusion of ignition and has to go out right after implementation of start of the engine. The refusal of a lamp of shutdown, and also its activation during the movement demonstrates violation of serviceability of functioning by the automatic damping system operating rigidity of shock-absorbers of a suspension bracket of the car depending on a condition of the road, loading and a manner of driving. The car follows at the first opportunity to drive away on HUNDRED companies Mercedes-Benz.

    At shutdown of onboard food in the investigation of a detachment or discharge of the rechargeable battery the control lamp will burn the working engine. For shutdown of a lamp turn a steering wheel from an emphasis against the stop.


    Control lamp of failures of the amplifier of emergency brake application (BAS)/traction control system (ASR)

    The control lamp is quickly activated at inclusion of ignition and has to go out right after implementation of start of the engine. The refusal of a lamp of shutdown, and also its activation during the movement demonstrates violation of serviceability of functioning of the BAS or ASR system.

    At failure of the system of BAS the brake system of the car continues to function in the usual (not strengthened) mode.

    Malfunction of the ASR system can lead to noticeable decrease in the power developed by the engine. The car should be driven away immediately on HUNDRED companies Mercedes-Benz for performing diagnostics and performance of necessary recovery repair.


    Control lamp of failures of the amplifier of emergency brake application (BAS)/antistrange of system (ESP)

    The control lamp is quickly activated at inclusion of ignition and has to go out right after implementation of start of the engine. The refusal of a lamp of shutdown, and also its activation during the movement demonstrates violation of serviceability of functioning of the BAS or ESP system.

    At failure of the system of BAS the brake system of the car continues to function in the usual (not strengthened) mode. Remark: Malfunction of the ESP system can lead to noticeable decrease in the power developed by the engine. The car should be driven away immediately on HUNDRED companies Mercedes-Benz for performing diagnostics and performance of necessary recovery repair.

    Control lamp of refusals of ABS

    This control lamp serves for control of serviceability of functioning of ABS, quickly works at inclusion of ignition and has to die away several seconds later after implementation of start of the engine.

    Control lamp of wear of brake shoes

    The control lamp is quickly activated at inclusion of ignition and has to go out right after implementation of start of the engine. Activation of a lamp during braking testifies to wear of frictional overlays of brake shoes to extreme admissible value and need of performance of their urgent replacement.

    Control lamp of level of brake liquid / raising of the parking brake

    The control lamp (red) continuously burns at raising of the parking brake, reminding the driver of need of his otpuskaniye before a start of motion. The movement with the cocked parking brake leads to a bystry overheat and failure of brake mechanisms of back wheels of the car, and also to premature wear of protectors of tires of back wheels, but also, can become a cause of infringement of serviceability of functioning of system of anti-blocking of brakes (ABS).

    If the control lamp continues to burn after an otpuskaniye of the parking brake, or joins in time of the movement, it usually demonstrates excessive falling of level of brake fluid. One of the possible reasons of gradual decrease in level of brake fluid is normal wear of frictional overlays of brake shoes. At operation of a control lamp the car should be driven away on the nearest car repair shop for assessment of a condition of blocks and check of tightness of a hydraulic path of the brake system.

    Short-term operation of a control lamp happens also at inclusion of ignition (even at the released parking brake).


    Control lamp of refusals of elements of system of additional safety (SRS)

    This control lamp approximately for 4 seconds lights up at inclusion of ignition and has to die away right after implementation of start of the engine. If the lama continues to burn at the working engine (in the constant or flashing mode), it indicates existence of malfunction of components of the SRS system. At the corresponding complete set operation of this control lamp can be the testimony of malfunction in contours of side and head safety cushions, or devices of automatic emergency natyazhitel of seat belts.

    Alarm indicator "Fasten a Seat Belt"

    This indicator has an amber luminescence and quickly works inclusion of ignition. Transition of the indicator to the flashing mode after implementation of start of the engine is intended to remind drivers/passengers of need of fastening by seat belts.

    Control lamp of preheat of the diesel engine

    The control lamp of preheat lights up at inclusion of ignition and demonstrates activation of system of preheat. Start of the engine has to be carried out not earlier than the control lamp is disconnected.

    Light indicators of indexes of turn

    Light indicators in the form of arrows have a green luminescence and serve for control of serviceability of functioning of the corresponding indexes of turns. The direction of indicator arrows coincides with the chosen direction of change of course of the car. Indicators work in the flashing mode with a frequency, the corresponding frequency of a blinking of indexes of turn. The speeded-up blinking of one of indicators usually demonstrates burn-out of a lamp of one of indexes of the corresponding turn. Follows at the first opportunity to make replacement of the burned-down lamp not to create emergencies on roads.

    Turning on of the alarm system usually is followed by a simultaneous blinking of indicators of indexes of both turns.