Mercedes S-Class W-140

1991-1999 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes S-Class
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W-140)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
- Engine
   Check of a compression in engine cylinders
   Check of the engine by means of the vacuum gage
   Belt of the streaming drive of auxiliary units
   - 6-cylinder petrol engines (M104.944 and M104.990/994)
      Cover of a head of the block of cylinders - installation details
      Removal and installation of the inlet pipeline with the resonator (except the engine 104.990)
      Final collector (except the engine M 104.990) - installation details
      Removal and installation of a head of the block of cylinders
      Removal and installation of a cover of a chain of the GRM drive
      The GRM drive - the general information, service of components
      Asterisk of a bent shaft - an installation detail
      Removal and installation of the regulator of the camshaft
      Removal and installation of camshafts
      Replacement of the directing plugs of valves
      Replacement of saddles of valves
      Removal and installation of pistons
      Replacement of piston rings
      Check of a condition of rods
      Check of a condition of a bent shaft
      Service of the block of cylinders
      Removal and installation of the pallet of a case of the engine
      The oil pump - installation details
      The oil level sensor switch - installation details, test data
   + 8-cylinder petrol engines (M119.970/981 and M119.971/981)
   + 12-cylinder petrol engines (M120.980/982)
   + 6-cylinder diesel engines (OM603.971)
   + 6-cylinder diesel engines (OM606.961)
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Gear shifting box
+ Automatic transmission
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Check of a condition of a bent shaft

Designation on a forward part of a bent shaft

1 — the Emblem of the company
2 — the Name of model
3 — Date of check

4 — the Control category of automatic measuring system
5 — the Radical neck of a bent shaft
6 — Width of the established insert

Dimensional characteristics of a bent shaft are presented in Specifications. Designation on a forward part of a bent shaft is presented on сопр. illustrations.

Measurement of the sizes of necks of a bent shaft and installation of new inserts


1. Remove a bent shaft and establish covers of radical bearings of a bent shaft and tighten them to 30 Nanometers.

2. Measure diameter of an opening under the radical bearing and diameter of a radical neck.
3. Selection of inserts is made as follows:
Diameter of an opening under the radical bearing (62.51 mm) - Diameter of a radical neck (57.95 mm) = 4.55 mm - the Radial gap (0.04 mm) = 4.51 mm / 2 = the insert Thickness (2.25 mm).
On the basis of results of calculation the top insert a "blue" and lower insert "blue" is chosen (see Specifications).
4. Nominal rates of working gaps and axial side plays of radical bearings of a bent shaft make: 0.030-0.045 mm and 0.100-0.250 mm respectively.
5. The working gap in conrod bearings makes 0.020-0.050 mm.
6. The final sizes and designation of openings under radical necks of a bent shaft are specified in Specifications.