Mercedes S-Class W-140

1991-1999 of release

Repair and operation of the car

Mercedes S-Class
+ Mercedes-Benz cars of the class S (W-140)
+ Operation manual
+ Routine maintenance
+ Engine
+ Cooling systems, heating
+ Power supply system and release
+ Engine electric equipment
+ Gear shifting box
- Automatic transmission
   Search of malfunctions - the general information
   - Automatic transmission 722.5
      Removal, check of a state and installation of the converter of rotation (hydrotransformer)
      Removal and installation of the centrifugal regulator
      Removal and installation of the sensor switch of blocking of a starter (permission of start)
      Vacuum knot - installation details
      Removal, service and installation of the secondary pump (AT to No. 3652931)
      Removal and installation of a forward cover with the secondary pump
      Removal and installation of the LB3 piston
      Removal and installation of a back cover of transmission
      Dismantling and assembly of valvate assembly of AT
      Dismantling and assembly of transmission
      Installation and check of a gap in a multidisk brake of B3
      Measurement of a gap in B1 brake
      Coupling of the raising transfer
      Removal, installation and check of components of a brake of BS of the raising transfer and coupling of KS
      Dismantling and assembly of the coupling of a free wheeling
      Dismantling and assembly of planetary mechanisms
      Dismantling and assembly of coupling of K1
      Coupling of K2
      Gear shifting selector lever
   + Automatic transmission 722.6
+ Coupling
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment


Removal, installation and check of components of a brake of BS of the raising transfer and coupling of KS


Design of a brake of BS of the raising transfer and coupling of KS

86 — the Output shaft
163, 186, 190 — Blocking rings
166 — Laying
168 — Drove
169 — the Persistent bearing
170 — the Crown gear wheel
171 — the Solar gear wheel

172 — Coupling of the raising transfer
187 — the Internal disk
188, 189 — External disks
191 — the Cam spring
192 — the Piston of a brake of the raising transfer
195 — the Damping spring


1. Remove a back cover of the transmission.
2. Remove the leading shaft (86), having removed a lock ring (165).
3. Remove a crown gear wheel (170). Remove laying (166) and the persistent bearing (169) from an output shaft (167). Take drove (168) of a crown gear wheel (170).
4. Remove a solar gear wheel (171) and a crown gear wheel (170).
5. Remove coupling of the raising transfer (172) with the block of disks.
6. Take the block of disks of a brake of the raising transfer from the case, having removed a lock ring (186).
7. Remove a damping spring (195). Remove a blocking ring (190) and a cam spring (191).
8. By means of nippers take the piston of a brake of the raising transfer (192) from the case, remove teflon rings (196), and then a persistent washer (173).



1. Before installation of a persistent washer (173) be convinced that the lubricant opening (shooter) is installed in the transmission case.
2. Grease both sealing rings of the piston of a brake of the raising transfer (192) with gearbox oil, press the piston in the case, insert a persistent washer (173) so that the antirotational edge settled down in the case, screw teflon rings (196).
3. Insert a cam spring (191), establish a blocking ring (190), establish a damping spring (195). Establish disks of a brake of the raising transfer individually.
4. Carefully insert a support of coupling of the raising transfer (17) to a multidisk brake of the raising transfer.
5. Carefully insert a crown gear wheel (170) into a brake of the raising transfer.
6. Insert a solar gear wheel (171).
7. Insert drove (168) in a crown gear wheel (170), be convinced that the internal persistent bearing (169) took drove, fix the external persistent bearing (169), establish laying (166) on an output shaft (167).

Check of an axial gap between output and intermediate shaft


1. Measure distance of "a" from the contact surface of the bearing of an output shaft (86) to an internal ring of the bearing (198) by means of a caliper.
2. Define distance of "b" from laying (166) to the roller persistent bearing (169) by a caliper.
3. Adjust an axial gap "with" laying (166), having determined laying thickness: Distance of "a" (18.00 mm) - Distance of "b" (16.60 mm) = the Difference (1.40 mm) - the Axial gap (0.10 mm) - the laying Thickness (1.30 mm). An axial gap between output and intermediate shaft of 0.10 mm. Laying 0.1, 0.2 and 0.5 mm thick is issued.
4. Establish an output shaft (86) and insert a blocking ring (165).

Check of an axial gap between an output shaft and a back cover


1. Measure distance of "a", having established a measuring disk (028) on a contact surface of a back cover. Define distance from a disk (028) to an internal holder of the ball bearing (67) and the help of a caliper.
2. Establish a measuring disk (028) and a flange. Block a doggie of the parking brake in working situation. Tighten a nut (62) to 100 Nanometers. Establish laying (72).
3. Measure distance of "b" between a measuring disk (028) and laying (72).
4. Adjust the axial gap "Е" laying: Distance of "a" (118.80 mm) - Distance of "b" = the Difference (1.90 mm) - the Axial gap "Е" (0.40 mm) = the laying Thickness (1.50 mm). The nominal rate of an axial side play between an output shaft and a back cover makes 0.40 mm. Laying 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8 and 0.9 mm thick is issued.
5. Remove a measuring disk and a flange.

Check of a gap in a brake of the raising transfer

Check of a gap in a brake of the raising transfer

186 — the Lock ring
187 — the Internal disk
188, 189 — the External disk


1. Measure a gap of "S". The nominal rate of a gap of a brake of the raising transfer lies within the range of 0.5-1.1 mm. Adjust it if it is necessary, by means of laying of a lock ring (186). Laying 2.0, 2.5 and 3.0 mm thick is issued.
2. Establish a back cover of the transmission.